" I believe you have the inner strength to overcome challenging moments of your life"
Maureen Bailey

Building Character Competence and Creativity
Maureen Bailey is an award winning experienced women and equalities specialist with over 15 years' experience of delivering diversity. She was the first Head of Women's Issues Network for the Ministry of Justice and acted as an advisor to other government departments to set up effective networks. Maureen is a sought after speaker on self esteem, domestic violence and building better relations within the workplace issues. She is the CEO of the Inner Strength Network which provide mentoring and coaching for facilitators, teachers,universities,students and organisations. In recognition of her success and achievements Maureen was awarded the International Women of Excellence, Humanitarian Woman of the Year Award in 2008. She was also a finalist for the Inspiring Leader within the Workplace Award,(Precious Awards). She was the former school governor for 2 Schools and is the Chair of Church Road Children's Centre. She is now a trustee of a children's charity in Sutton.

"Remember it could be your mother, your sister or your friend suffering in silence. Say no to domestic violence"
Maureen Bailey
Maureen remains passionate about supporting both men and women to be the best they can be, raising awareness on career development,domestic violence, mentoring and coaching issues. As the founder of Inner Strength Consulting Maureen has been extensively trained in safeguarding and is able to works with children, young people and vulnerable adults. To contact her please email maureen@innerstrengthnetwork.com or maureen@innerstrengthconsulting.co.uk